Reliable Art Investment Services
Art Market Solutions have excellent access to art in the primary market, secondary market and private sources. We have brokered purchases of art for our clients across the globe. Confidence is the art market’s most precious commodity. This can be achieved by making art more widely accessible and understood.
Buying and Selling Art Wisely
There are many who would like to be involved with art but find the cost, risk and learning curve barriers to entry. Even the most seasoned collector requires advice. Owning art gives great pleasure combined with potential financial reward.
Art Market Solutions is independent and gives objective impartial advice with no conflict of interest. We have the freedom to consider all options then adopt the right plan of action for you. We offer art buying and consultancy services to our clients at TEFAF-Maastricht and the Masterpiece Art Fair, London.
Contact us early due to the demand for our services.
Optimal Timing - Buy or Sell?

Art Buyer Surveys and Inspection
Over the years increased levels of capital and competition have energised the global art market. Uninformed buying, inflationary excesses of the late 1980s propelled art prices to volatile levels. We refer to the art market when in reality there are art markets offering their own blend of risk & reward. Today art is more liquid with financial engineerings such as art loans, auction sale advances and auction price guarantees. More accurate and convincing econometric and time series modelling of probable sales results would be helpful in encouraging consignments and bringing more art to the market.

Art Buyer Advisors
Art buying services include:
Worldwide search for fine and decorative works of art
Independent advice on art condition, price, authenticity, and quality
Price negotiations with dealers
Representation at auction as your agent.

Augustus Edwin John OM RA (1878-1961)
In 1908 John painted a large oil of a family group comprising Ida, Dorelia and children which now hangs in the Dublin City Gallery.
​In April 1909 Augustus assembled at Effingham a compliment of six horses, two vans, one cart, six children, Arthur – a disastrous groom, a stray boy, a broken-down wagon, Dorelia and her younger sister Edie.